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Palmer Canyon Road: An Afternoon Adventure

Recently, I decided to go on a short road trip on Palmer Canyon Road, located just a few miles from my home in Wheatland, Wyoming. I ventured Westward, toward the Laramie Range, with Laramie Peak beckoning me toward its lofty heights. The first part of my journey was through valleys, abundant with green pastures, used for grazing livestock or growing crops. The mountains could always be seen in the distance, welcoming me to their vast wilderness areas. I crossed Sybille Creek, with verdant cottonwoods and willows adorning its banks. Eventually, I came to the base of one of the mountains, and I decided to drive about one half mile up its slopes for further exploration. I had previously visited the area with my son, Zachary, during the Christmas season a few years ago. Back then, the sun sparkled on the snow-covered forest floor. It was a fairly warm winter day, with no wind, so we enjoyed our brief sojourn there that day. Fast forward to Spring of 2021. The rocky slopes were now covered with grass, interspersed with colorful wildflowers. Quite a contrast. I enjoyed my brief excursion into this vast wilderness, with a thankful heart, reminding myself how blessed I am to live in Wonderful Wyoming. Here is a link to the video I made to commemorate this special moment in time.

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